Ordinary Moments

When our lives are filled with the mundane, Monday becomes Friday overnight it seems. Join me on a journey to live a little more. This isn’t new territory for me, and probably not you either. But it’s one thing to survey the land we’ve been promised, and another thing all together to move in and build […]

Life is Beautiful

Forgive me for a moment as you journey into the mind of an artist: Inspiration is everywhere. Currently I’m sitting at my desk, taking a break from my work to jot down a few thoughts on viewing the world around us with fresh eyes. With the hopes of snow crushed again in Nashville, we can […]

Dreaming Takes HARD Work

So many times dreamers get a bad wrap! It’s kinda sad. Dreamers are known as lazy and apathetic or even worse, as people who go nowhere in life. People constantly spinning their wheels but going no where. Well, I guess unfortunately, that can be true sometimes. BUT, not always! So how do dreamers get over […]

Inspiration Is Everywhere

Interior Decorating

Inspiration is everywhere. The most simple of things captivate me. From the oldest of records at Goodwill to the scrap wood left behind in a neighbors ditch. Things can never be set aside for what they appear to be, but seen for what they can be. As an artist and designer I enjoy most when […]

Dream. Hope. Run.

DREAMING. Defining of dreams: Dreaming must always be defined by what the Lord is speaking. This will always be confirmed through trusted leaders and friends that you are walking out life with. We were born to carry our extreme purpose. Not our own, but our Fathers. Building His kingdom by leading the lost to Him. […]

Creative First Fruits

Typewriter - Light Blue Royal

Genesis 4:4 (NLT), Numbers 15:18-19 (NLT) How do we rightly view the 1st fruits of our labor? As an entrepreneur I am particularly drawn to discover this. We easily relate money to this. It’s our common practice to, and rightly so. But I also think of the first of first fruits. With Cain and Able, […]