Rediscovering Forgiveness: A Journey Through Easter

Wooden cross standing on a hill with the sun rising behind it, early morning dew on green grass and wildflowers.

As we approach the contemplative season of Easter, marked by reflection and renewal, our thoughts turn to the profound themes of forgiveness, rebirth, and resurrection. The essence of Easter offers a powerful lens through which to explore the transformative power of forgiveness, not just as a theological tenet but as a lived experience that echoes […]

Processing Pain and Loss: Understanding How to Heal

Person writing in a journal on a beach during sunset, with a deflated beach ball nearby, symbolizing the journey of processing pain and loss.

Life is a blend of highs and lows, joys and sorrows, triumphs and tragedies. At Epic Life Creative, we’ve journeyed with countless individuals and organizations, helping them navigate these dualities. Today, we delve deep into the art of processing pain and loss, a topic that resonates with many. The Journey of Reflection Every one of […]

Amid the Clamor, Seek the Stillness

a person sitting on a bench under a willow tree by a tranquil lake, Christian leadership devotional, Epic Life Creative.

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 (NIV) In the whirlwind of ministry, it is all too easy for pastors and leaders to lose sight of the One who calls us to serve. The demands of leading a […]

Balancing Act: Evangelization vs. Secular Relevance

WALKING ON A WIRE One of the biggest challenges in our calling to spread the Gospel is knowing when to evangelize through words or action. Both, or neither! In our world today, so many are offended by Christianity or any belief that opposes their own. How do we temper bold evangelization with secular relevance? How […]

Your Church Can Simulcast (And Probably Should!)

First of all, what is simulcasting exactly? Simulcasting is not live streaming a regular church service (although your church might want to consider that as well). Simulcasting is when your church streams an event being held somewhere else. Probably the most popular and common example is a youth group Super Bowl party. Youth groups and […]

I’ve Run Out of Bandaids

A theology of failure. In so many cases, success is not the primary aperture to judge accomplishment by – but rather the effort we exert towards a calling and the resolve to continue moving forward regardless of how others, or even we ourselves, would view the end result.

The righteous may fall seven times but still get up… Proverbs 24:16a The following is where I currently am as I process a theology of failure. I undoubtedly will write some aspects of this incorrectly, if not many! But, I’m still going to take a shot at writing my thoughts.. which is also the largest […]

Remembering to Remember (part 2)

The best part of my life has been and will continue to be God’s awesome faithfulness. One of the biggest roadblocks I run into again and again is my inability to remember God’s awesome faithfulness as soon as I begin to spot a wave coming towards me. [for a few words and a personal story […]