Embarking on a Sacred Journey: Walking in Love and Peace with All

In the ceaseless ebb and flow of life, the virtues of love and peace emerge as guiding lights, illuminating the path of those seeking a harmonious existence with all beings. The teachings of Jesus Christ, brimming with timeless wisdom, offer a profound blueprint for nurturing love and peace in our interactions with others. This guide […]

The Art of Forgiving Others: A Comprehensive Guide to Healing and Renewal

In the vast tapestry of human emotions, forgiveness stands out as a profound act of love, grace, and liberation. It is an invitation to unload the burdens of resentment and open the door to healing and meaningful relationships. Embarking on this path may not always be easy, yet the wisdom embedded in the act of […]

The Transformative Power of Forgiveness

We believe in the transformative power of forgiveness. We see forgiveness not merely as an act but as a journey, a journey that promotes internal health, fosters greater peace in the world, and ultimately catalyzes the healing that is so desperately needed in our lives and our world. The Healing Power of Forgiveness At the […]

Embrace the Journey of Self-Discovery and Growth

We believe in the transformative power of self-reflection, healing, and forgiveness. We are excited to re-release a resource our team started developing over a decade ago and first released in 2015 – designed to help you navigate the highs and lows of life, process pain and loss, and ultimately, find hope, strength, and joy to […]

The Journey to Peace and Love: A Christian Perspective

In the heart of every believer is a yearning for peace and love, not just for oneself but for the world. This yearning is a divine echo, a reflection of God’s own desire for His creation. As followers of Christ, we are called to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9) and to love not only our neighbors […]

Daily Devotionals Made Easy with the Lectio 365 App

a young adult sitting in their living room listening to Lectio 365 daily devotionals in their headphones, epic life creative

Are you looking for daily devotionals that can help you grow spiritually and deepen your relationship with Jesus? Epic Life Creative is excited to introduce you to the Lectio 365 app! This free daily devotional resource, created by 24-7 Prayer International, is designed to help you pray the Bible every day and connect with God […]

Balancing Act: Evangelization vs. Secular Relevance

WALKING ON A WIRE One of the biggest challenges in our calling to spread the Gospel is knowing when to evangelize through words or action. Both, or neither! In our world today, so many are offended by Christianity or any belief that opposes their own. How do we temper bold evangelization with secular relevance? How […]

A Few Brief Thoughts On Hearing From The Lord

This is a shorter post, but one close to my heart so I wanted to share a few thoughts on hearing from the Lord. A few weeks ago, a friend shared with me he felt like it had been so long since he’s heard from the Lord and If I thought it was because of […]