Get Your Creativity Running Again!

It’s estimated that Pablo Picasso created over 50,000 paintings.  50,000. 50,000.  Should I write it out one more time? He was someone with a unique perspective that transformed the art world, but it was mostly his passion to create that probably fueled all the ideas he had.  By no means did he stay in one […]

I’ve Run Out of Bandaids

A theology of failure. In so many cases, success is not the primary aperture to judge accomplishment by – but rather the effort we exert towards a calling and the resolve to continue moving forward regardless of how others, or even we ourselves, would view the end result.

The righteous may fall seven times but still get up… Proverbs 24:16a The following is where I currently am as I process a theology of failure. I undoubtedly will write some aspects of this incorrectly, if not many! But, I’m still going to take a shot at writing my thoughts.. which is also the largest […]

Fighting the Urge to Just Shine

It’s easy and we all do it. We want to shine, to be the center of attention and we want people to take note of who we are. But, how does this line up with our deepest and most true purpose?

You Look Tired: Encouragement for the Dreamer

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] It happens to the best and most exuberant of us all. You’re moving forward in faith to pursue a dream you believe the Lord has given you, you have the achievable goals set and you’re almost in a full on sprint to the finish line […]

Adding a Post (Blog) to your WordPress Site

Here’s a super simple tutorial on adding a blog post to your site! enter your website by going to once logged in, click BLOG POSTS and then ADD NEW then add your awesome title and awesome content, much like you would in a word document check the categories or add some, same with the tags and add […]

You Are Valuable: lessons for the creative or free-lancer

This could be written in so many ways that are deep in my heart, but for the context of this article I’ll be focusing on your value as a creative and your purpose to serve. That being said, our ultimate and primary value was deposited in us and breathed to life by God and through […]

Remembering to Remember (part 2)

The best part of my life has been and will continue to be God’s awesome faithfulness. One of the biggest roadblocks I run into again and again is my inability to remember God’s awesome faithfulness as soon as I begin to spot a wave coming towards me. [for a few words and a personal story […]

Remembering to Remember

If you’re like me, not that I would assume you are, but I forget a lot. True story. Somehow the Lord gave me the wherewithall to be able to manage some pretty large projects and clients, but… I may forget why I went to the grocery store. Or even more often, just after I call someone and it […]

Dream. Hope. Run.

DREAMING. Defining of dreams: Dreaming must always be defined by what the Lord is speaking. This will always be confirmed through trusted leaders and friends that you are walking out life with. We were born to carry our extreme purpose. Not our own, but our Fathers. Building His kingdom by leading the lost to Him. […]