Balancing Act: Evangelization vs. Secular Relevance

WALKING ON A WIRE One of the biggest challenges in our calling to spread the Gospel is knowing when to evangelize through words or action. Both, or neither! In our world today, so many are offended by Christianity or any belief that opposes their own. How do we temper bold evangelization with secular relevance? How […]

Remembering to Remember (part 2)

The best part of my life has been and will continue to be God’s awesome faithfulness. One of the biggest roadblocks I run into again and again is my inability to remember God’s awesome faithfulness as soon as I begin to spot a wave coming towards me. [for a few words and a personal story […]

Remembering to Remember

If you’re like me, not that I would assume you are, but I forget a lot. True story. Somehow the Lord gave me the wherewithall to be able to manage some pretty large projects and clients, but… I may forget why I went to the grocery store. Or even more often, just after I call someone and it […]